Case Studies
Willows Dining Room
at the Woodbine Racetrack
Before working with BreezeMaxWeb and utilizing BreezeReview, Willows Dining Room at the Woodbine Racetrack only had 23 reviews with an average rating of 2.5 stars.
With the power of BreezeReview, they were able to increase the amount of authentic reviews to over 100 in three weeks, boosting their average rating to 4.5 stars.
We know that these reviews are authentic because BreezeReview tracks who and when a review request was sent. In the case of Willows dining room, each member of the wait staff had a designated account to track when they sent out a review request and monitor the incoming reviews.
Each patron could respond to the text message asking for a review and submitting one before they received their bill.
Most people will forget to submit a review when they get home from an establishment. BreezeReview is a streamlined review request process that can achieve instant results.

Phoenix Phone Repair Soars with BreezeReview
With so many cell phone repair stores in the GTA, you need a great reputation from your customers to keep you ahead of the competition. The best way to get an outstanding reputation is to have high ratings on Google.
Phoenix Cell Phone Repair has two locations in Brampton. Before acquiring the BreezeReview software from BreezeMaxWeb, their main location on Kennedy Road had 231 reviews and their recently opened second location on Cherrycrest Drive had zero reviews.
With BreezeReview, both locations saw a huge boost in high-quality and authentic reviews from their happy customers. Their Kennedy Road location gained 1,236 reviews in nine months for a total of 1,467, and their Cherrycrest Drive location, which opened in December of 2019, went from no reviews to 184 in only three months. Each location boasts a 5-star average.
With BreezeReview, you can instantly request your customers to submit a review through a customized text message, even before they leave the store!